
Since the start of the Law Office’s existence, we have been supporting projects being implemented on the Polish energy market. We have provided legal services to both contractors as well as investors, supporting clients not only in areas relating to energy and construction law, but also commercial, civil, administrative and procedural law, taking into account Polish and EU regulations.

We provide counsel on the energy market

We have numerous successes in this area. We have participated in i.a. implementation of the following projects:

Supporting energy transformation

Support for implementation of energy investments

Support of projects relating to power and fuel trade

Support of projects relating distribution and transmission of power and fuels

We support regional development

For many years we have been providing counsel on the implementation of innovative and necessary infrastructure facilities. With our knowledge we support regional development improving the quality of life of residents. We cooperate with public and private entities, representing the contracting authority and contractors. We understand the needs and requirements of all entities involved in the investment process. We understand the specific nature of implementation of investments being financed or co-financed from public, domestic or foreign funds.      

We cooperate with public institutions

Supporting energy transformation:
  • Construction of RDF fuelled combined heat and power plant in Zabrze
  • Implementation of thermal waste treatment installations for companies from the waste and energy sectors, including obtaining decisions in appeal bodies allowing the implementation of the investment
  • Acquisition and construction of several dozen wind and PV farms
  • Implementation of biogas installations in Poland
  • Changes of fuels sources for heating systems from hard coal to transitional fuels (natural gas) as well as renewable energy sources (biomass, geothermal, heat pumps, hybrid)
  • Implementation of hybrid systems supplying heat to facilities using RES and district heating installations
  • Supplying municipal heating networks with waste heat from industrial processes, including server rooms
  • Development of climate neutral plans and achieving the status of efficient energy systems
  • Development of strategy and necessary agreements relating to heat supplies from waste incineration plant and supplying the municipal heating network in Poznań
Support for implementation of energy investments:
  • Development of energy infrastructure for PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna S.A. including:
    – construction or power units No. 5 and 6 having a capacity of 900 MW at the Opole Power Plant, and
    – construction of 450 MW power unit at the Turów Power Plant 
  • Implementation of “200+” program for the National Center for Research and Development (government executive agency). We supported plans for modernization and expansion of 200 MW power units throughout Poland, including development of the legal concept for modernization and its implementation and execution
  • Construction of the second largest heat pump for untreated sewage in Poland
  • Modernization of the 647 MW installation at the Ostrołęka B Power Plant together with construction of a flue gas desulfurization installation and modernization of ESP filters
  • Improving the energy efficiency of the Radlin Coking Plant, in particular relating to the construction of a new gas-fired generating unit built under turn-key arrangements
  • Construction of cogeneration units powered by gas from mine methane drainage together with methane capture installation at mine in order to reduce methane risks and emissions of this greenhouse gas
  • Implementation and operation of new 910 MW unit at Jaworzno III Power Plant
  • Connection of new CCGT unit at Żerań CHP Plant
  • Implementation of new Power Plant in Grudziądz
  • Construction of installation for processing heavy residues from crude oil distillation
  • Preparation of investment for construction of combined heat and power plant at PCC Rokita S.A.
  • Development of concept and performance of completion of investment in Ostrołęka C coal-fired power plant with a capacity of approx. 1000 MW
  • Modernization of K-6 and K-9 boilers worth in excess of PLN 100 million at CHP plant in Łódź
  • Performance of desulfurization installation at Ostrołęka B power plant and Kogeneracja plants in Wrocław
  • Construction of two combined cycle gas-fired heat and power plants for Arctic Paper Polska S.A. and including connection of such to gas and power networks
  • Preparation of investment for construction of a gas-fired combined heat and power plant in the Grupa Lotos S.A. refinery
  • Construction of CC unit for Zielona Góra S.A. CHP
  • Turnkey (EPC) implementation of two CC units in Głogów and Polkowice
  • Implementation of turn-key unit at Gorzów CHP
Support of projects relating to power and fuel trade:
  • Conclusion of power trading agreements with a value of PLN 15 billion
  • Conclusion of agreements for heat supplies to municipal heating systems for generators as well as trading companies
  • Conclusion of power sales agreement and agreements for trading of power, heat and gaseous fuels including agreements in EFET and GUDK form
  • Charge and Drive Cloud Solution – solution allowing for the charging of EVs
  • Implementation and operations of low-voltage distribution networks (OSDn)
  • Performance and implementation of project for the acquisition and trading of greenhouse gas emissions and energy certificates of origin
  • LNG deliveries together with construction of re-gasification station for investor’s needs
  • Coal deliveries from Columbia together with organization of sea transport, transshipment in intermediate and destination ports together with unloading and processing (crushing)
Support of projects relating distribution and transmission of power and fuels:
  • Implementation of cross-border heat transfer and creation of a cross-border heat system
  • Open season – transmission and trade of natural gas with foreign countries
  • Construction of connection to gas transmission network and principles of gas collection for Cargill plants
  • Investments consisting of the transport, transshipment and storage of liquid fuels
  • Implementation of heating network development programs throughout the country in cooperation between heat generators and distributors, the construction and regulations of which have not been questioned despite verification by the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection
  • Implementation of an innovative project to connect two separate heating systems located in different cities
Support of infrastructure projects:
  • Implementation of investments in two hospitals in Wrocław
  • Establishment and implementation of the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway
  • Construction of embankments around Wrocław as well as construction of a passive and active flood protection system – Odra River 2006 Program
  • Reconstruction of the Łazienkowski Bridge in Warsaw after a fire
  • Expansion of Wrocław Opera under public-private partnership model
  • Reconstruction of Buforowa Street in Wrocław being a part of provincial road No. 395
  • Construction of Lower Silesian Center for Materials and Biomaterials at Wrocław EIT+ Research Center
  • Implementation of Wrocław Aquapark by Wrocławski Park Wodny S.A.
  • Construction of connection of City Bypass with Wrocław Airport
  • Construction of tallest skyscraper in Wrocław – Sky Tower
  • Construction of National Music Forum in Wrocław
  • Construction of Municipal Stadium in Wrocław
Wsparcie projektów infrastrukturalnych z udziałem środków publicznych - wybrane realizacje:
  • Koncepcja utworzenia, finansowania i realizacji Pomorskiej Kolei Metropolitalnej
  • Budowa wałów wokół Wrocławia oraz budowy systemu biernego i czynnego zabezpieczenia przeciwpowodziowego – Program dla Odry współfinansowany przez Bank Światowy
  • Realizacja Dolnośląskiego Centrum Sportu w Jakuszycach przez Dolnośląski Park Innowacji i Nauki S.A.
  • Budowa Europejskiego Centrum Solidarności w Gdańsku
  • Odbudowa Mostu Łazienkowskiegow Warszawie po pożarze
  • Realizacja szpitali we Wrocławiu, w tym budowa Dolnośląskiego Centrum Onkologicznego
  • Realizacja Aquaparku Wrocław przez Wrocławski Park Wodny S.A.
  • Budowa Stadionu Miejskiego we Wrocławiu
  • Budowa Dolnośląskiego Centrum Materiałów i Biomateriałów Wrocławskiego Centrum Badań EIT+
  • Koncepcja funkcjonowania Centrum Nauki EXPERYMENT w Gdyni
  • Koncepcja funkcjonowania Centrum Kultury, Nauki i Edukacji Witelona w Legnicy
  • Wsparcie spółek in – hause utworzonych przez gminy przy realizacji dróg, mostów i Aquaparków w wielu gminach w Polsce
  • Koncepcje realizacji inwestycji takich jak drogi/mosty, stadiony, domy opieki społecznej, baseny itp. w formule partnerstwa publiczno-prywatnego
We cooperate with public institutions
  • With the European Commission on verification of correctness of implementation of procurement directives into Polish law
  • With the Polish District Heating Chamber of Commerce on development of draft changes to law
  • With the Ministry of State Treasury in the privatization processes of ZEW KOGENERACJA S.A. as well as Fortum Zabrze and Fortum Bytom (currently: Fortum Silesia S.A.)