Public procurement

Public procurement

Handling of public procurements – from procedure documentation to performance

Due to our extensive experience in implementation of large energy and infrastructure investments carried out by State Treasury companies and other contracting authorities, our team specializes in public procurement law as well as public-private partnership and licenses for construction works and services. 

We provide services at every stage of implementation of projects undertaken by public entities or other entities required to apply the Public Procurement Law: from creation of the concept and analysis of its compliance with procedures and legal requirements, through preparation and conducting of proceedings, conclusion of agreement and reviewing changes to agreements at the stage of their implementation.

Experience gained in servicing contracting authorities also allows us to effectively advise contractors.

See also:


  • We prepare recommendations regarding the optimal procedure for the contracting authority
  • We prepare and review tender documentation, including: contract notice, specification of order terms and conditions (SWZ), model agreement for project implementation
  • We prepare recommendations on determining conditions of participation in the procedure and criteria for evaluating offers
  • We review filings for clarification of SWZ
  • We supervise the run of the procedure and its compliance with domestic and EU regulations, including providing support at the stage of examination and evaluation of offers and verification of the contractor entity
  • We represent clients before the National Chamber of Appeal
  • We represent clients in court disputes regarding proper performance of agreement or indexation of remuneration
  • We provide assistance in the drafting of the offer and other documents submitted during the procedure
  • We participate in talks conducted with the contracting authority during negotiations
  • We review amendments to public procurement agreements and prepare annexes to agreements

Contact person:

Agnieszka Kołaczkowska

Partner | Attorney-at-law

tel. +48 71 780 76 00
